08-04-2016 - 08-04-2016

With a big Logo of Rotary and the name of Rotary club of Pune Uptown on the Ambulance which will move about every where in Pune. At the Silver Jubilee Celebration Function on 8th April 2016, the Keys of the Ambulance will be officially handed over to the Head of the Army Paraplegic and Rehabilitation Centre.The There was an urgent need for this type of Ambulance and Rotary club of Pune Uptown has risen to this occasion and donated the Ambulance to the Paraplegic and Rehabilitation Centre. These soldiers who are fighting and guarding our borders putting their precious life at stake, it is our duty to heed to their call. The Army Paraplegic and Rehabilitation Centre has given us a chance to serve them and be of use to our nation. This has created an awareness for Rotary 's good work and as well as helped in giving a good PUBLIC IMAGE to Rotary

Project Details

Start Date 08-04-2016
End Date 08-04-2016
Project Cost 311000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 20000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -