26-11-2017 - 26-11-2017

rgan donation Awareness programme was arranged at Golden Blue Academy of Mr. Gunjan Bhagat in presence of doctors from Sasoon Hospital Pune and Zonal Transplant Coordination Centre Pune. Students of the academy were enriched by the need of awareness and how to do the same , whom to contact and where it will be done. Organ Donation Awareness among Youth which is necessary for saving the lives of others was very well done among them . Also the organ Donation made successful with the efforts of our club , the donor family is felicitated in the programme, a live example in front of the youth!

Project Details

Start Date 26-11-2017
End Date 26-11-2017
Project Cost 18000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others