Review for last BOD &AGM . Planning for new project for upcoming month.

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 24 Jan 2025
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location A-10 Gulmohar Residency Near Navashya Maruti Mandir Sinhagad road Pune:-411030
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Review for last BOD &AGM . Planning for new project for upcoming month.
Meeting Agenda Sub:- Fifth B.O.D. for the year 2024-2025 Date:-24.01.2025. Friday Time:-7.30 P.M. to 9 P.M. Host:-PP Rtn. Anup Karnik Venue:-Host Resi. At A-10 Gulmohar Residency, Near Navashya Maruti Mandir. Singhad Road Pune 411030 AGENDA Sr No Description Remark 1 Approval of Last B.O.D agenda (13.12.2024) 2 Treasure Pending work 1)Members’ Dues 2)Draft for changing of signing authority on cheque in the bank. 3 Project completed from Jully to Jan.25 and same to be uploaded on site.& Further 5 months projection 4 Eco Factory Visit date to be finilised 5 Medical project for college student for blood check up & other test with Cipla Foundation, Thalisima project discussions with Rtn Dr. Jamkar, Rtn, Dr. Renu & Rt. Dr. Satish. 6 Pratishirdi Visit date to be finalised & no. of members count. 7 RCC form to be loaded on site. 8 Rotary Enpro General Knowledge Quiz Contest for the student 8 to 10th stand, both medium ,Conducted by rotary club of Nigdi. two student from each medium can participate. first round 9.02.2025 Subject:- History, Geography, Science, Current Affairs, Culture and Sports. 9 Register For Rotary Conference DISCON 25 10 Happy Family Kit Min 10 kits Rs:-15000.00 Approval. 11 Approval of Expenses G13 Exhibition at MIT:Rs 2700.00 Misc Expenses :-3200.00 Dinner expenses for meeting dated 21.01.2025 Total (56*200=11200.00) (RCPEast 22 members,RCP karvenagar 5 members We will received 5400.00) Balance:-5800.00?
Chief Guest Pp Rtn.Anup Karnik
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting The points were discussed in are approved and accordingly action to be taken