Common Financial mistakes to avoid

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 22 Nov 2022
Meeting Time 00:00:00
Location Arkey Hall Prabhat Road
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Common Financial mistakes to avoid
Meeting Agenda Meeting called to order National Anthem Birthday & Anniv wishes for the month Distribution of Ballot paper of Nomination committee introd of Guest speaker talk by guest speaker Felicitation of Guest speaker collection of ballot papers Secretarial announcements Meeting closed
Chief Guest Mr Ashok Alurkar
Club Members Present 15
Minutes of Meeting Meeting was started with National Anthem and Four way test, Small lants were given to all those with Bdays and Anniversaries over the last two months. Cooperation of the club during Dg visit was appreciated. Mr Alurkar was introduce by Rtn Arvind Mithsagar. Mr Alurkar writes a column for Lokmat and went on to mention common financial mistakes and describe the three common ones in detail. Then he gave a questionnaire for all to answer . This was followed by a question-and-answer session